Thursday, May 30, 2013

Free English Day

Hari ini bahasa inggrisnya off dulu yaaa....
dictionarynya lagi eror..

lagian kalo kayak gini bisa lebih puas..
bener ngak???

udah lama banget rasanya gak nulis..
emang lama sih..
tapi.. bukan berarti gw gak pengen nulis lagi...
gw gak sempet gara-gara kesibukan yang memaksa gw menuruti mereka..
gak kerasa ya sekarang udah akhir bulan..
buat anak kos.. ini waktu-waktunya ngirit..
saat dimana hanya boleh makan mi instan dan nonton dari laptop..
beda dengan awal bulan yang makannya ke restoran tiap hari sambil bantu bersih-bersih..
bener kan..

hari ini gw stres banget..
ulangan dobel biologi dengan bab berbeda..
abis itu langsung dibagiin hasilnya...
gimana gak stress..
mana gak sempet belajar lagi semalam..

untungnya semua itu sudah selesai...
sehingga gw bisa memunculkan postingan baru disini..
sementara doang sih tapi..
awal juni gw udah ujian kenaikan kelas..
gw harus rajin biar papa gw bangga..

gw bingung mau bahas apa..
cuma gw mau cerita..

hari sabtu kemarin gw jalan kaki ke suatu tempat..
gw agak buru-buru sih waktu itu soalnya mepet banget..

entah kenapa pas jalan itu gw jatuh..
gak kesandung apa-apa..
gak di dorong siapa-siapa..
gw jatuh sendiri...
gak kepeleset juga..
tapi gw jatuh..
di atas aspal..
tergeletak tak berdaya...
ngak selebai itu sih..
tapi waktu itu gw ngerasa kaki kiri gw perih banget..
ditambah tangan kanan gw yang tiba-tiba kaku..
hingga beberapa menit, barulah tangan gw normal lagi..
gw gak tau ini wajar atau ngak..

waktu tangan gw normal lagi..
celana gw..
yang merk nya:
(gw gak mau nyebut merk..)
sobek di bagian lutut..
pengen nangis rasanya..
mana gw sendirian waktu itu..
gak tau mau cerita ke siapa..
mau ngomong apa..
yang gw rasa hanya pengen nangis sejadi-jadinya..

seperti sekarang..
perasaan gw lagi gak karuan..
lagi campur aduk..
gw pengen banget curhat ke siapapun itu dan nangis sejadi-jadinya..

click here

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Love & Hate

few months ago..
I've wrote about lovers and haters..
now, I want to write bout love and hate..
not like before..
it's bout feeling to love someone and hate some one..
I make a song about this kind of feeling..
Love and hate someone in the same time..

this is the lyrics and chord..

C G Am Em

Love you love you love you love you
Hate you hate you hate you hate you
Am               Em             
I love you.. I hate you

Why I get this kind of feeling
Hate you love you in the same time
Am             Em             
I love you but  hate you

C G C G Em

C       G       C       G
Love love love love
C                 G
Hate hate hate hate
C        G      C      
Love love hate hate
G                         Em
Love and hate you

Hate it hate it really hate it
Love you hate you love and hate you
Am             Em                     
I hate you but  love you

C         G      C       G
Love love love love
C                 G
Hate hate hate hate
C        G      C       G
Love love hate hate
G                     Em  C
Love and hate you boy

I have upload my voice when I play and sing this song..
if you wanna hear it just click here

if you love it..
there's one more song I've sing.. 
and it uploaded here
The song from astrid..
my voice is better here..
the title is Jadikan Aku Yang Kedua..
or in english it sound like Make me Your second..

sorry if you hate it..

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I am Back!!!

I am back to this blog..
I've been to busy this m

I really miss it..
write a post and then publish it..
I love it..

I watched Star Trek into darkness..
enterprise before war
enterprise after war
have you watch it??
it so recommended..
because it has good story and amazing technology..
you can't imagine what will happen next because if you imagine that it got wrong..
and it rating higher than Iron Man 3..
it is better..
but I love all of them..
for you who think this movie annoy you because it make you can't watch movie you want..
you're wrong...

this is not what i want to talk about..
but I don't know what to talk...

this month I wanna try to write fiction..
and it still halfway to finish..
I still don't know how to finish it..
the epilog has been finished..
but the story is not finish yet..

why inspiration just go away from my head.. and come when I'm not ready for it..
it like I need to bring my mac to every where so I can do my novel when inspiration come to me..
but it impossible..
can you imagine it.. when you have a test.. the inspiration come to your head.. ask you to write them..
can you just open your mac or notebook to write them??
absolutely not..

when you think it weird..
you need to remake it with better words..
if you hate it.. don't do it..
because if you do that.. it just make you feel terrible..

if you want to be good writer..
follow your heart..
ask your friend to read yours..
and check it..
don't take a long time to finish it..

just it...
see you next time..
I don't know what exactly I was talking about..

Sunday, May 5, 2013

VIP meatball

do you know about this??
there's meatball stand beside Bethesda Hospital in front of the VIP room..
Kotabaru, Yogyakarta..
this morning I left my bed and walk away with my friend to that place..
if you meatball lovers.. or someone who love to eat..
I recommended you to eat that..
the meatball and the soup tasted well..
there's 2 kind of the meatball..
the dry one and the wet one..
you can choose just the dry meatball with the soup...
or the wet one... or two of them..
I love both..
so I ordered two of them.. plus 1 again of the dry meatball..
this is the picture of the wet one..
it tasted yummy..
you can tasted the meat well in every bite of the meatball..
the tasted of it is special..

and this is the dry meatball..
it's so delicious..
it'll be more delicious if you put them in the soup..

the stand was there since 1974..
I don't know bout the price that time..
but now..
it 15.000 rupiah..
with noodle and 4 meatball in there..
it opened from 9.30 a.m. till 3 p.m.

you can't said that you meatball lovers if you haven't try this..

Friday, May 3, 2013

Chicken Cordon Bleu, Onion Rings, Smoked Mozzarella & Honey Onion

Today is friday..
I make a post on friday again..
today is special..
because what??
because I make some delicious food today...

Chicken Cordon Bleu..
my cordon bleu is different from usual..
because.. I use chicken fillet which have small shape..
so I have a problem with cover the mozzarella and smoked beef..
and few of them can't used to cover it..
because of that...
I have an idea to make the third one.. and the forth of course..
the way to make cordon bleu is too simple..
you just need make the chicken thin enough..
but it not recommended to cut it perfectly..
you need to make it have a relation..
like you and your couple..
after that.. you need to put smoked beef or anything like that..
and cheese in the middle of them..
the last thing you need to do before fry it is put them in flour and then egg.. and last bread crumbs..
chicken cordon bleu ready to cooked..
the good one look like this:

Onion rings have an easy way too cooked but you need to be patient..
when I try to make it today..
I feel so tiring and bored today..
it make me impatient..
and because of my impatient.. I have an idea to make the forth one..
the way to make onion ring is simpler than cordon bleu..
you just need to cut them so it look good when you served it..
after that.. you need to put them in flour, then egg, bread crumbs, egg again.. and the last is bread crumbs..
this is the picture of onion rings which I've found on google:

Smoked Mozzarella.. it inspired by cordon bleu but it didn't used chicken..
and the way to make it just like the first and second dish..
you need to put them in flour, egg and bread crumb and last fried them..
it too delicious for me to share it but I still share it with everyone around me..
this is the picture of my own creation..
the longest are cordon bleu, and the short one were smoked mozzarella, the round shape is onion rings..
I think it look lame but when I try it.. it was very nice..
I need to make it again in another time..

I don't have any picture of this dish..
but i can explain it to you..
it made by onion and chicken..
I used chicken from cordon bleu and onion from onion ring..
before I mixed them.. I use a little of coconut oil to stir them..
after i do that.. i mixed them and put 100 mL of acacia honey..
and than.. I pour some ketchup and chilly sauce..
actually, I pour all of them just with my feeling..
without measured.. but it tasted good..
I eat the sauce with rice and smoked mozzarella..
when you eat them together..
it like.....
oh God.. I don't even know how to explain it..
I have the picture of it..
but it not my first time make this..
this was the second one..
I know it doesn't look perfect.. but I've try my best with things around me..
I hope you enjoy this post..